The community outreach events were started by a group of students back in 2021. Since then, here are the projects which we completed.

2021: We provided Christmas gifts to the elderly at Queenstown Senior Centre (

2022: We donated sporting equipment to the Boys’ Town and also organised a sports day for them (

2022: We organised a Christmas party for a hospice (Oasis@Outram Day Hospice (by HCA Hospice)).

2023: We provided back to school packs for 120 students under the Children’s Wishing Well. We also participated in the FRESH programme which helps teach the students how to make wise food selection and budgeting. (

If we want to call ourselves a community law school, then community work should form part of what we do. In out previous community outreach events, we have always participated as students from SUSS. There were events where we had lecturers joining us. It is an opportunity to meet people from less fortunate backgrounds and contribute in whatever way we can back to the community.

We want this to be a SUSS School of Law “thing”. A tradition that can be passed down. A mindset of working with the community that can be nurtured during our 4 year or so in our beloved law school. If you are interested in joining us or even possibly helping out in the organising, do reach out to us!

‘SUPpreSS2’ (pronounced as suh-pres-two) is a programme initiated and managed by student volunteers from the Singapore University of Social Sciences School of Law (“SLAW”) in collaboration with the Singapore Prison Services (“SPS”) as part of SPS’ engagement of community partners to cater to the reintegration needs of pre-released inmates emplaced in Reintegration Hub@S2 (“S2”). SPS has engaged multiple parties in its drive to better the reintegration prospects of its inmates, and we as student volunteers from SLAW are privileged and proud to be counted amongst them..

This project seeks to enhance the reintegration process by morally supporting inmates undergoing re-entry, and empowering them to be self-reliant, stay gainfully employed, socially integrate and remain crime-free.

Pre-implementation Phase

Training programme for SLAW student volunteers

To ensure consistency and quality of the training provided to the pre-released inmates, all SLAW student volunteers will undertake the following training programmes

Training 1:

Training Centre:

Career Development at Singapore University of Social Sciences (“SUSS”)


Two (2) workshops – One (1) on resume writing and one (1) on interviewing skills:

Duration: 2h

Dates: 13 July, 20 July (TBC)

Class size: 25 pax

Venue: SUSS

Training 2:

Training Centre:

Centre for Psychotherapy


Basic communication techniques and skills with inmates:

Duration: 1h

Date: TBC

Class size: TBC

Venue: 7 Race Course Lane #02-01 (Tai Guan Ong See Association Building Singapore 218734) (TBC)

Training 3:

Training Centre:

Singapore Prisons Services (“SPS”)


ePivot Training:

Duration: 2h (9AM to 11AM)

Date: End August (Usually on the last Saturday of the month)

Mode: Via Zoom

Registration of SLAW Student Volunteers

SLAW students who are interested in volunteering for SUPpreSS2 should note the following:

  • Volunteers are required to complete all three (3) training programmes listed in paragraph 4;
  • Personal information will be collected on behalf of and submitted to the SPS for screening (“Volunteer application”);
  • Volunteers are expected to commit and be present for their volunteer date(s);
  • Volunteers participate in this project at their own risk.

Implementation Phase

Phase I

The focus is to provide pre-released inmates with the basic skills to:

  • write their resume; and
  • manage job interviews.

The general breakdown of each session (i.e. Resume writing or managing job interviews) is as follows:

S/No. Description Duration (minutes)
1 Sharing by SLAW student volunteers on the topic 20
2 Question and Answer 10
3 Hands-on session in writing resume or role-play 90

The proposed volunteering frequency is twice per month (i.e. the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month). If we able to commence volunteering in September 2024, the projected volunteering dates are as follows:

S/No. Month Date No. of volunteers Duration
1 September 14/09/2024 4 2h
2 28/09/2024 4 2h
3 October 12/10/2024 4 2h
4 26/10/2024 4 2h
5 November 09/11/2024 4 2h
6 23/11/2024 4 2h
7 December 14/12/2024 4 2h
8 28/12/2024 4 2h

Volunteers have to fill in this registration form with their particulars. This information will be submitted to SPS as they will need to screen the volunteers. This document will only be assessed by Elaine (4L) and Dylan (2L). If you have any queries regarding registration, please contact Elaine (98787060, [email protected]) or Dylan (81730195, [email protected]).

Registration form for: